

Zero Energy Housing

Summary Phase I:
As part of the ongoing zero-energy housing research at the Geiger Research Institute, the main goal of Phase I is to introduce the primary strategies, and provide links to general guidelines and key principles that can be applied to a wide variety of house designs. Phase II will provide a finished house design that incorporates these concepts.

Zero-energy Housing Strategies:
1. Build small
2. Efficient use of space
3. Low-embodied energy building materials (primarily locally available, natural materials)
4. Superinsulation
5. Balance of mass and insulation
6. Multiple use features (serve more than one purpose)
7. Lifestyle change of inhabitants
8. Maximum solar design
9. Appropriate technology
10. Energy-efficient appliances and fixtures
11. Energy and resource-efficient shape
12. Safe and healthy design

Strawbale construction: www.grisb.org/publications/pub21.doc

Strawbale construction comes of age: www.grisb.org/publications/pub23.pdf

Strawbale FAQ: http://strawbuilding.org/sb/faq.html

Embedded energy in strawbale housing: www.grisb.org/publications/pub27.doc

Potential savings from alternative building methods: www.grisb.org/publications/pub9.doc

Traditional building: Shelter Sketchbook by John Taylor

Vernacular architecture: Built by Hand by Bill and Athena Steen, and Eiko Komats

Energy-efficiency upgrades: www.grisb.org/publications/pub4.doc

Shallow frost-protected foundations: www.grisb.org/publications/pub26.pdf

Earthbag construction: www.greenhomebuilding.com/earthbag.htm

Small diameter wood: www.grisb.org/publications/pub2.htm

Rice hulls for ceiling insulation: www.thelaststraw.org/backissues/articles/Rice%20Hull%20House.pdf

Earth-cooled pantry: coming soon

Tractor cob: www.grisb.org/publications/pub22.htm

Tamped earth floors: www.grisb.org/publications/pub11.htm

Earthen plaster: www.thelaststraw.org/bonus-articles/earthplaster.html

Solar water heaters: Fireball lightweight solar collectors

Solar heating: Directions on how to build your own solar heating panel

Solar wall ovens: http://solarcooking.org/walloven.htm

Passive solar design: www.nesea.org/buildings/passive.html, www.consumerenergycenter.org/homeandwork/homes/construction/solardesign.html, www.nmsea.org/Passive_Solar/Passive_Solar_Design.htm, www.eere.energy.gov/consumerinfo/factsheets/passive_solar.html

Small-scale wind generators: www.absak.com/basic/wind-power.html, www.eere.energy.gov/consumerinfo/reading_resources/vi3.html

Improved Cookstoves – CD on cookstoves, ovens and rocket stoves http://store.yahoo.com/dirtcheapbuilderbooks/cdstovrost.html

Rocket Stoves: www.dirtcheapbuilder.com/rostforcobbu.html

tree house without tree

TreeHugger previously showed some of the work of French designers Dans mon Arbre; Industrial designer Benoit Fray worked with them on this project we didn't see in their portfolio. Ecofriend calls it "a sustainable treehouse made from locally sourced wood."Different elements are connected by bridges (these appear to be a platform and a stair)

It is supposed to have "all the necessary elements for the comfortable life: shower, kitchen, toilet" but I don't see where the plumbing goes. More at Benoît FRAY at Coroflot, and ecofriend.

brad pitt makes green things

The Float House, designed by Morphosis Architects, is the latest design to be built by Brad Pitt's Make It Right Foundation, which is helping families rebuild eco-friendly homes in the Lower Ninth Ward in New Orleans. Photo courtesy of Morphosis Architects.

It's like you're Noah and your house is an arc where people can take refuge from flood waters. Sound crazy? Think again.

Brad Pitt's Make it Right Foundation unveiled the first Float House on Wednesday. The home, designed by Morphosis Architects, basically turns into a giant raft in the event of flooding, rising up on guide posts that keep it from floating away. To say that this design floats my boat is an understatement; but there is one thing about it that my eco-heart can't love: The chassis that allows it to float has a polystyrene core.

Polystyrene is Eco-Friendly?
According to an NPR interview with the designer, the polystyrene core is covered by glass-reinforced concrete, but it's unclear whether the polystyrene is completely contained, and if it isn't, there is the risk of off-gassing in the home--not great for the home-owners. And what happens if the concrete coating cracks?

Polystyrene production also requires many harmful chemicals, including benzene, a known carcinogen and potent volatile organic compound, so it's not exactly a fantastically green or healthy option.

Benefits of a Floating Home
While it may not be the greenest option, there are some important benefits to this design.

If the area floods, the home will float upward, up to 12 feet, while a pair of guideposts keep the home from floating away. In addition to creating a safe environment, the design prevents water damage and a whole lot of waste. (For anyone who is worried about gas leaks and live electrical wires, there's a break-off system to eliminate those risks, and the home can run on battery power for three days.)

While the other Make It Right homes are built up off the ground to keep people safe in future floods, this home sits just one meter off the ground. The design eliminates the long flight of stairs up to the entrance, which can be difficult for the elderly and disabled persons. Another benefit of the low-to-the-ground design is it helps bring back the street-level porches that were such an integral part of the Lower 9th Ward community, design director Thom Mayne told NPR:

How do you keep the sense of community and the continuity of the neighborhood, and at the same time deal with this very extreme condition of the flooding? ... The vertical solution seemed to us one way to solve it, but we thought we had a more interesting way, that we could keep the house on the ground.

The other great thing about this home is the building costs are quite low, so it's a great option as low-income housing in flood-prone areas.

A Mostly Eco-Friendly Design that Saves Lives
I'm still more of a fan of the homes on stilts, but for families that include people who can't manage stairs, this is a great option that is still more eco-friendly than most homes (and it's certainly greener than building another home again after another major flood). But most importantly, it will save lives, says Mayne:

...it's thought of as a seatbelt; I mean hopefully it never gets used, but when it gets used, it's important.


Preston at Jetson Green shows us the coolest little project that I have seen in a long time. It's affordable housing for working people in the San Juan Islands, some of the most expensive real estate in the country, built by the Lopez Community Land Trust and designed by Mithun.

Green Net-Zero Energy Housing by Mithun Shows How It's Done
The site plan includes shared garden space, "rain gardens", and "bioswales"

The Net-zero energy is accomplished through careful design to capture passive solar heat, straw bale walls (usually around R-40) and an impressive 33.8 kilowatt array of solar photovoltaics.