
steel 2010

Istanbul to Host Steel Cultural and Sustainability Symposium in 2010
Posted by Kimberly Miller on May 5, 2009 at 10:27 AM

The year 2010 will be a big one for Istanbul, Turkey. Not only has it been selected Cultural Capital of Europe for 2010, it will also host the Annual Meetings of the European Convention for Constructional Steelwork (ECCS).

Both events provided the impetus for the creation of the Steel Structures: Culture and Sustainability 2010 International Symposium, sponsored by ECCS and the Turkish Constructional Steelwork Association. The event will be a forum for architects, designers, structural engineers, steel fabricators and builders, urban psychologists, social planners, and environmentalists to discuss new horizons in steel structures in their relation to present culture, as well as a new European vision for a better and sustainable future. The Symposium will take place September 20-22, 2010.

Besides design issues and research related to steel structures, the Symposium will also cover social and cultural aspects in the field within the following themes:

* Historical and Cultural Aspects
* Structural Design Concepts
* Sustainability: Solutions in Relation to Society, Environment, and Economy
* Urban Context
* Steel Structures in Relation to Architectural Functions and Forms (Wide-Span Solutions, High-Rise Solutions, and Innovative Approaches)
* Structural Issues (Stability, Connections, Constructional Issues, Ultimate Load Design, Wind Effect, and Earthquake Resistance)
* Seismic Isolation and Vibration Control
* Fire
* Spatial Structures
* Composite Solutions
* Cold-Formed Steel Structures
* Codes
* Case Studies

Abstracts for the Symposium will be accepted until November 9, 2009. For more information visit www.sscs2010.com